Debate writing (should animals be kept in zoos?)

In  my opinion I believe that animals should be kept in zoos because if we have animals in zoos we can learn about them. Did you know? a man named Sir David Attenborough is now a very famous person he is a zoologist and because he could go to the zoo and see animals and learn about them.


Next imagine going somewhere and there’s a tiger that attacked you do you know why…..because they were not in a zoo, did you know that over 2000 people a year die from animal attacks.


I strongly believe that animals should be kept in zoos because if a animal attacked someone the cops would have to take them away and probably hurt it this would not have happened if this animal was in the zoo this is my debate about should animals be kept in zoos.

Ethan’s speech

Hi I will be talking about my favourite soccer player and favourite soccer team my favourite player is Kylian Mbappé. Kylian Mbappé is a soccer player he was born in 20th December 1998 and is known for his speed. He plays for a team called PSG which stands for pairs saint Germany. I am a Cristiano Ronaldo fan not Messi but I like PSG Mbappé is a soccer player who has been playing since he was 16 years-old. Who is your favourite soccer player and what is your favourite soccer team.

What Happens when You Swallow Gum?

Don’t be scared if you swallow gum because I will tell you what happens but still try your best to not swallow gum.


If you swallow gum i’m going to tell you what really happens I’ll give you  one thing it wont stay in your stomach for 7 years. Gum will not digest fast like regular foods it wont also when you swallow it it will not change and break into tiny pieces and break down it will stay in one big blob next from the stomach it go’s into the small intestine then it go’s in the large intestine its also a tube. Now it comes out as ……… POOP!!!!!!!


Now you know what happens when you swallow gum now no mater what do not!!! purposely swallow gum.