Tag: weymouth primary school

The warriors visit

Yesterday we had some of the warriors come to our school.


We had 3 warriors Jessie and Kina and lingi they were twins. We were split in 2 teams.We span a wheel to see what we were going to do . First we did trivia I will tell you one of the questions? who is the coach of the warriors? Tohu Harris.


Next for the wheel we got to sleep the questions were, how long should you sleep, what is a good time to go to bed and some more. I go to bed at 8:00 pm or 9:00 pm.


After was hydration they asked us how much water should we be drinking a day, the answer was 3 litres and for adults were 4 litres. Its good to drink more if you can but you don’t have to.


Last nutrition, next they asked us the four different food groups you should have these food groups are wheat, meat, dairy, and veggies.


I loved when the warriors came I hope they come again.

Online kindness

                                                                                             Today in my literacy class we looked and played a game called  kind kingdom it was fun and it was about cyber bullying and being kind. I was kind when someone accidentally tripe me over i forgave them. think about a time where you kind?